The UF campus has an incredibly diverse collection of native and cultivated plants growing on its over 2,000 acres.

Specimens to document the campus plant life have been preserved in the Herbarium since the 1920s. We are databasing and imaging these legacy specimens and purposefully enriching those with new specimens, images and field photographs.

Searching Our Database for UF Campus Flora Specimens

Locality name search terms for specific tagged campus locations in our database:

* We plan to update our locality tagging to match the 23 specific conservation areas designated by UF Facilities Planning & Construction, for specimens within those areas.

Image gallery search for the UF Campus Flora project

Not all UF campus flora specimens in the UF Herbarium Collections Catalog are imaged. To search only for imaged specimens, a custom image gallery search is available on the image search page. Select the “Floristic Inventory of the University of Florida Campus” tab to search or browse only UF campus flora specimens with images.

Additional UF campus flora resources