Brownie Girl Scouts enjoy an exploration event at the Florida Museum.
Florida Museum photo by Jeff Gage

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Girl Scouts will have the opportunity to plant a seed of knowledge at the Florida Museum of Natural History’s “Girl Scouts Explore: Botany” program May 9.

The program from 6 to 9 p.m. allows Brownie or Junior Girl Scouts to explore and investigate plants from around the world, and earn a museum patch with an accompanying “Botany” bar especially designed for the event.

“I remember participating in scouting events at the museum when I was a Brownie Girl Scout so I am very excited to share this experience with current Brownies and Juniors,” said Florida Museum educator Amanda Harvey. “I hope they make memories and discover new things that they remember for a long time.”

During the program, Scouts will explore plant anatomy with flower dissections, participate in guided tours through the “Butterfly Rainforest” and meet female employees in the exhibit to learn about how they became involved in a botany-related career. Scouts will also have the opportunity to tour other Florida Museum exhibits and discover native Florida plants.

Cost is $18 per Scout, and girls may attend as individuals with their guardians or with a troop. For more information and pricing for adults, call Amanda Harvey, 352-273-2062 or visit www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/calendar/grid/girl-scouts-explore.


Writer: Francis Diaz, fdiaz@flmnh.ufl.edu
Source: Amanda Harvey, aerickson@flmnh.ufl.edu
Media Contact: Paul Ramey, pramey@flmnh.ufl.edu, 352-273-2054