Gatorlink VPN – The Gatorlink VPN service provides secure remote access to the University of Florida network and makes it appear as if your computer were physically attached to the campus network. By using the Gatorlink VPN client, you may access resources on the UF network that are not typically available over an Internet path. These services may include file shares, private IP addressed systems, UF Library Journals, Software Licensing Services, and the Remote Desktop.

When working off-campus and you need to connect to Museum resources, it is recommended that you use the /flmnh-campus switch with the VPN for most tasks to segment UF related network traffic from general internet traffic coming and going from your computer. This is configuration is called a split tunnel and results in much better performance.


The major exception to using the split tunnel is when you need library access. The library services to which UF subscribes will not recognize the IP address of your remote computer, so it is necessary to use the /flmnh switch to route all of your network traffic through the VPN. We recommend you only do this while you are actively using library resources and switch back to the /flmnh-campus tunnel otherwise.

Please be a courteous VPN user and disconnect your session when not in use to free resources for others. Remember to close all documents open from a shared network drive before disconnecting the VPN to prevent data loss.

Videos on this page:

Installing the UF VPN – Macintosh

This tutorial starts at the UF Gatorlink VPN Service information page.

Connecting and Using the UF VPN – Macintosh

Installing the VPN – Windows

This tutorial starts at the UF Gatorlink VPN Service information page.

Connecting and Using the VPN – Windows